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Our Vision

Kids Outside
We Believe

Through the unified efforts of our school community, we will instill a legacy of learning in the heart and mind of every student so each can reach his/her greatest heights. This legacy of learning includes the development of strong character, the knowledge and desire to make good choices, the motivation to grow stronger academically every day, and the desire to become leaders who can and will pay it forward to our community.

We celebrate diversity and individuality by supporting one another and working cooperatively in team environments.

We honor the past by learning its lessons and listening to the voices of influential leaders. We seize the present by learning the lessons of the day and building strong relationships with one another. We prepare for the future by keeping our eyes forward, knowing that if we walk through life as if we have something new to learn, we will. We strive to do our personal best every day. We SOAR!

Our Legacy
  • Leadership - All students will demonstrate leadership qualities and practice SOAR every day. We will show up, own it, achieve, and respect.
  • Excellence -All students will learn strategies to promote excellence in their lives including conduct, health, and life choices.
  • Generosity - All students will generate a respect for the larger community by using their resources to positively impact the lives of others.
  • Academics - All students will engage in a meaningful, rigorous curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking and high standards.
  • Character - All students will learn the importance of character development as it applies to personal and community responsibility and respect for self and others.
  • Opportunit- All students will seize the opportunity to learn technological skills for the 21st Century, explore career choices, build practical life skills, and participate.
The Hawk Way: What Does It Mean To SOAR?
S:  Show Up
  • Come prepared, stay focused, participate, and have a good attitude
  • "I will show up in life ready to take on the day's successes and challenges.  I choose to be present physically and mentally in everything I do."
O:  Own It
  • Make good choices, be responsible for my actions and attitude, and let go and move on.
  • "I am in charge of what I think, say, and do.  I am responsible for me!"
A:  Achieve
  • Do my personal best, use perseverance, set high expectations, and be part of something bigger than myself.
  • "I set high academic and personal goals and work to, not only accomplish, but exceed them.  I will do my personal best in all aspects of life."
R:  Respect
  • Be safe, do the right thing, and treat people right.
  • "I treat everyone and everything with integrity.  I show respect for my school, fellow students, teachers, family, community, and myself