Administrative Team
Office Staff
About Our Office
Our main office staff is available from 7:00 AM until 4:00 PM each day. Each person that enters the building must enter through the main office. For the safety and security of staff and students you will be asked to identify yourself before entering the building. You will speak with one of the individuals in the main office and they will open the entrance door for you.
It is important that you sign in as a visitor if you are going to be in our building.
Student Services Team
About Student Services
Services for students at Coulter Grove are varied. Coulter Grove is fortunate to employ 2 full-time school counselors, each serving two grade levels with which they will remain with until their transition to MJHS. The counseling program is comprehensive and is designed to support student achievement (SOAR), administrative staff, and teachers.
School Counselors provide student support in a variety of ways:
Relationship building with our students
Individual or group counseling as needed
Flight School Instructor (encore class with a curriculum designed to support the transition and success of 4th graders from the elementary level to the intermediate level)
LEA for special education meetings
Coordination of Response to Intervention (RTI)
Coordination of all state achievement testing
Program solutions for dealing with and identifying conflict, bullying (ABC school wide anti-bullying campaign), as well as social and emotional issues
Morning school assignments for excessive tardies and truancy meetings
Our counselors work with parents and teachers to provide a safe, confidential setting where services are provided to students in need of individualized counseling, academic, or behavioral support. Counselors are available by appointment. Student Services also registers new students and maintains student records.